Monday, 28 June 2010

Week beginning 28/06/10

Welcome to class 1's page!

Class 1's topic this half term is Chocolate. We are in the process of designing chocolate factories and are looking forward to making a chocolate bar, designing and making a chocolate bar wrapper, and advertising our product with posters and adverts.

We've got a busy week this week as on Tuesday afternoon we have our parent's drop in. All parents and friends of class 1 are invited to work with the children on speaking and listening activities in the classroom and then go to the hall for refreshments.

On Wednesday we have our trip to Herringthorpe Valley Woods with the Sheffield Wildlife Trust. We are meeting at the woods in the morning and then back to school for the afternoon to do some creative artwork. Parents are reminded their children will need sensible shoes and weather appropriate clothing.

On Thursday morning it is sport's day! Year 2 will be doing their sports activities from 10.30am on the field - weather permitting!!